PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.SInventory Namespace Reference


class  FPSInventoryEvents
 This hooks into InventoryEvents to provide additional functionality for RFPS. More...
class  SInventoryConsumablePickup
 This script replaces consumable pickup scripts such as HealthPickup. More...
class  SInventoryContainerTrigger
 This component starts the S-Inventory container GUI when the game object receives a specified trigger event. More...
class  SInventoryDialogueActor
 This class provides a data bridge between S-Inventory and the Dialogue System. More...
class  SInventoryDialogueEvents
 Provides inspector events for S-Inventory activity. More...
class  SInventoryFPSBridge
 This script is a bridge between S-Inventory and RFPS. More...
class  SInventoryFPSTools
 This static class provides utility methods for working between S-Inventory and RFPS. More...
class  SInventoryItemEvents
 This script lets you hook up events to items. More...
class  SInventoryItemGroupTrigger
 This component starts the S-Inventory item group GUI when the game object receives a specified trigger event. More...
class  SInventoryLua
 This static class provides Lua functions to access S-Inventory. More...
class  SInventoryPersistentContainer
 Persistent data component for S-Inventory containers. More...
class  SInventoryPersistentItemGroup
 Persistent data component for S-Inventory item groups. More...
class  SInventoryPersistentItemPickup
 Persistent data component for S-Inventory items that get picked up when you click them with the mouse. More...
class  SInventoryPersistentVendor
 Persistent data component for S-Inventory vendors. More...
class  SInventoryPickup
 This script supplements pickups that already have RFPS pickup script such as AmmoPickup. More...
class  SInventoryTreatAsConversation
 This script treats certain S-Inventory actions like conversations by sending OnConversationStart and OnConversationEnd to the actor. More...
class  SInventoryVendorTrigger
 This component starts the S-Inventory vendor when the game object receives a specified trigger event. More...
class  SInventoryWeaponPickup
 This script replaces RFPS's weapon pickup script. More...