Visual Node-Based Editor

The node-based editor works just like Mecanim's Animator view except with conversation trees instead of animation state machines.

Similarly to Mecanim's Animator view, it displays the state of current conversation at runtime in a Conversation Live View.


Conversation Menu

The upper left corner of the canvas contains the conversation menu.

  • To create a new conversation, click +.
  • To edit a conversation, select it from the pop-up menu.

When you create a new conversation, you'll want to set its title and assign the participants. To do this, click on the canvas and set the Title, Actor, and Conversant in the inspector.

If you want to organize your conversations in groups, you can use forward slashes in titles, such as "Level 1/Commander", "Level 1/Radio Barks", and "Companions/Romantic/Nadia/In Barracks". The slashes will act as submenus here and in conversation trigger pop-up menus.

To delete a conversation, select it from the pop-up menu and right-click on the canvas. Then select Delete Conversation from the context menu.

To copy a conversation, select it from the pop-up menu and right-click on the canvas. Then select Copy Conversation from the context menu.

To edit the conversation's properties, click on the canvas. In the Inspector, you can set:

Field Description
ID The conversation's internal ID number. Change at your own risk. Dialogue entry links use the conversation ID. Links that reference the old ID will be broken until you update their references to the new ID
Title The title of the conversation. Conversation triggers reference conversations by this title
Actor The main actor, usually the PC in a PC-NPC conversation
Conversant The other actor, usually an NPC
Override Display Settings Tick to set conversation-specific settings that override the Dialogue Manager's Display Settings

Control Menu

The upper right corner of the canvas contains the control menu.

Menu Item Description
New Conversation Create a new conversation
Copy Conversation Create a copy of the current conversation
Split Pipes Into Nodes Split any entries whose Dialogue Text contains pipe characters into separate entries
Sort Sort the conversation list by Title or ID
Actor Names Show/hide the speaker's name on each node
Actor Portraits Show/hide the speaker's portrait next to each node
Search Bar Toggles the search bar
Outline Mode Switch to Outline-Style Editor mode
RelationsInspector (If Seldom Tools' RelationsInspector is installed)

RelationsInspector Submenu

If Seldom Tools' RelationsInspector is installed and you have imported its Dialogue System backend, you can choose these menu items:

  • Conversation References
    • Displays nodes for all conversations and quests that are referenced by the active scene, as well as for those scene objects. This lets you know which objects in your scene are connected to Dialogue System activity.
  • Conversation Links
    • Displays nodes for all conversations of the scene’s dialogue database. A connection is created where entries of two different conversations are linked. This gives you a great overview of how your conversations are linked if you use cross-conversation links.

Navigating the Canvas

Action Procedure
Drag Canvas Middle-click and drag, or Ctrl + Alt + left-click and drag
Select a Node Left-click on node
Multi-select Nodes Left-click and drag on empty canvas
Reposition Node(s) Select node(s), then left-click and drag
Node Menu Right-click on node, or Ctrl + left-click
Select a Link Left-click on link
Link Menu Right-click on link, or Ctrl + left-click
Conversation Menu Right-click on empty canvas, or Ctrl + left-click

Editing Dialogue Entry Nodes

Conversations always start with a node named START. To create a link from START to a new node, right-click on START and select Create Child Node. (If you plan to edit the START node, please see Notes about START Node.)

If a node already exists and you want to create another link to it, right-click on the source link and select Make Link. Then click on the destination node.

To delete a node, right-click on it and select Delete, or just press the Delete key.

To auto-arrange the nodes, right-click on the canvas and select Arrange Nodes.

To edit a node, click on it to select it. In the Inspector, you can set:

Field Description
ID The entry's internal ID number. Use care if modifying this
Title The title of the dialogue entry. It's entirely optional and is only for your reference
Description A description of this entry. It's entirely optional and is only for your reference. Only appears if you've defined a field named "Description"
Actor The speaker
Conversant The listener
Group If ticked, this entry is a special type of entry that is used to group child entries
Menu Text The text to use in the player response menu. This could be a short paraphrase of the Dialogue Text. If this is blank, the response menu uses the Dialogue Text. This field is ignored for NPC entries
Dialogue Text The text spoken by the actor. If this is blank for a player line, the Menu Text will be spoken instead
Sequence The cutscene sequence to play when the actor speaks this line. If blank, the Dialogue System will use the default sequence. If your project uses lip sync, see How to Add Lipsync
Response Menu Sequence An optional field that specifies a sequence that will play in the background after the dialogue entry's text has been delivered and the response menu is being shown. If the player makes a selection in the response menu while the response menu sequence is playing, the response menu sequence will end and the next dialogue entry's sequence will begin on the same frame. If both sequences include Camera() commands, you may need to include a delay in the next dialogue entry's sequence to ensure that it runs after the response menu sequence is completely stopped
Conditions Any Lua conditions that must be true to allow this line to be spoken. If you need to perform additional processing outside of Lua, you can use an IsDialogueEntryValid Delegate. You can enter Lua code directly or use a wizard to generate it for you with simple drop-downs. See the Lua Wizards section for more information about how to use the wizards. Note that Conditions are not checked on the START node. For more information about Conditions, see More on Conditions
False Condition Action Specifies what to do when the conditions are false. See False Condition Action
Script Lua script to run when this entry has been spoken. You can enter Lua code directly or use a wizard to generate it for you with simple drop-downs. See the Lua Wizards section for more information about how to use the wizards
Event: OnExecute() A UnityEvent that's executed when the dialogue entry is used in a conversation. See Notes about UnityEvents for more info
Links To Manually set links using drop-down menus, adjust their priorities, and adjust their order. You can also add cross-conversation links here.

By default, the Dialogue System catches any exceptions raised by Lua code in Conditions and Script. If you're calling an external function in Lua, you may find it useful to allow the exception to filter up to aid in debugging. To do this, set DialogueManager.AllowLuaExceptions = true.

If you've set up the dialogue database for localization, you may also see additional fields for localized versions of Dialogue Text, Menu Text, and/or Sequence. (See Localization)

If you're using Unity UI, you can use bold, italic, and color rich text codes, as well as some special timing codes described in the Typewriter Effect section.

For more information about Conditions, see More on Conditions.

False Condition Action

The False Condition Action specifies what to do when the conditions are false.

Value Description
Block Don't evaluate entries linked from this entry
Passthrough Don't consider this entry, but evaluate its children to possibly be spoken

Notes about START Node

The START node has some unique properties:

  1. If the Sequence field is blank, it defaults to None() instead of the Dialogue Manager's Default Sequence. This tells the Dialogue System to immediately progress to the next node.
  2. The START node is never shown as a response menu item. If it's assigned to the player, it will be displayed as a PC subtitle. If you want to show the START node's text as a PC subtitle, set its Sequence to Delay({{end}}) or something similar, and tick Show PC Subtitles During Line.

It's easiest to leave the START node as-is, and treat it as a jumping-off point for the "real" conversation starting with the next node. It primarily exists so you can immediately branch the conversation based on the Conditions fields of its child nodes.

Editing Node Links

You can also select links between nodes. In the Inspector, you can set the priority of the link. If a node has outgoing links of different priorities, the Dialogue System will check all links of the highest priority first. If it finds any valid links at that priority, it will stop checking and only use those links. Otherwise it will check the next priority down, and so on.

The right-click context menu allows you to delete the link, or you can just press the Delete key.

To add links to another conversation, select the source node and use the Inspector view.

Notes about UnityEvents

If you expand the Event foldout, you can add event handlers to a UnityEvent called OnExecute(), similar to adding an event handler to a Unity UI Button's OnClick() event. However, since the dialogue database exists independently of whatever scene is open, you can't assign a scene object to the event handler. Instead, you must assign an asset file such as a ScriptableObject.

For a detailed example, see: Dialogue Entry UnityEvents.

UnityEvents aren't converted by the Database > Export feature or Dialogue Database Converters.

Conversation Live View

At runtime, during conversations the current dialogue entry is colored green. Links whose conditions are true are also green. (This includes links without conditions.) Links whose conditions are false are red.

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