Adventure Creator Support

This page describes how to set up the Dialogue System with Icebox Studios' Adventure Creator. (Adventure Creator is required.)

Adventure Creator copyright © ICEBOX Studios.

Adventure Creator Support Features

The support package adds these features:

  • New Adventure Creator actions to start Dialogue System conversations and barks.
  • A bridge that synchronizes Adventure Creator's global variables and inventory with the Dialogue System's Lua environment.
  • Sequencer commands that can:
    • Use Adventure Creator's built-in lipsync with Dialogue System conversations and barks,
    • Run Adventure Creator action lists,
    • Control the AC camera from inside Dialogue System conversations, and
    • Play dialogue entries using AC's lipsync systems.
  • Integration with Adventure Creator's Save System.

Adventure Creator Support Setup

Follow these steps to set up the Dialogue System with Adventure Creator:

  1. Import the package Assets ► Plugins ► Pixel Crushers ► Dialogue System ► Third Party Support ► Adventure Creator Support.unitypackage.
    • This will unpack files into the folder Assets ► Adventure Creator ► Scripts ► Pixel Crushers ► Dialogue System ► Third Party Support ► Adventure Creator Support.
  2. In the AC Game Editor's Actions Manager section, under Custom Action scripts, click "Click to set…" and select the folder Pixel Crushers ► Dialogue System ► Third Party Support ► Adventure Creator Support ► Scripts ► AdventureCreatorActions.
  3. Add the Dialogue System to Adventure Creator's Save System as described in Saving and Loading.

Note: If you are updating the integration from a pre-AC 1.80 version, delete the folder Assets ► Pixel Crushers ► Dialogue System ► Third Party Support ► Adventure Creator Support before importing the updated Adventure Creator Support.unitypackage.

Next steps:

  1. Add a Dialogue System - Adventure Creator Bridge to your Dialogue Manager GameObject.
  2. Create action lists that use Dialogue System Actions.
  3. Use Adventure Creator-specific Sequencer Commands in your conversations, barks, and sequences.

Example Scene

The example scene is a modified version of Adventure Creator's Demo scene. It contains the following modifications:

  • Replaces the AC conversation "IntroConv" with a Dialogue System equivalent.
  • Adds a simple "Find a Sword" quest.
  • Adds an interactive Trash Can object.
  • The "OnStart" cutscene also shows a Dialogue System alert message.

When you import Adventure Creator, the default manager settings are set to the Demo scene's managers. If you need to set AC's manager settings back to the Demo scene, inspect Assets ► AdventureCreator ► Demo/ManagerPackage and click Assign managers. Then you can play the example scene in Assets ► Pixel Crushers ► Dialogue System ► Third Party Support ► Adventure Creator Support ► Example.


The example scene replaces the AC conversation "IntroConv" with a Dialogue System equivalent. The conversation uses the AC() sequencer command to start "IntroConv2" at the end of the conversation in "nowait" mode, which immediately releases control back to AC.


It also includes a simple quest titled "Find a Sword". This quest starts active. When the player picks up the sword by triggering the "Sword_Use" interaction, it runs a Lua action to update the quest state and refresh the quest tracker HUD. You can also use the quest log window system (not shown in this example scene), but you need to implement menus to open and close it.

Trash Can

There is also a simple interactive object, a Trash Can containing an obsolete model robot, Copper Pot. Copper Pot demonstrates barks (one-off lines of dialogue during gameplay) and a conversation that uses the sequencer command AC(TrashCanShake,nowait).

Game State Indicator

There's also a small utility script on Dialogue Manager that shows the current AC game state. You can watch the game state change when switching between Adventure Creator gameplay and Dialogue System conversations. You don't have to add this script to your own adventures.

Dialogue System - Adventure Creator Bridge

Add it to your Dialogue Manager object by selecting Component → Pixel Crushers → Dialogue System → Third Party → Adventure Creator → Adventure Creator Bridge. The Adventure Creator Bridge synchronizes Adventure Creator data with Dialogue System data.

There are two ways to synchronize data:

  1. Tick the Sync Settings checkboxes on the Adventure Creator Bridge component.
  2. Or untick the Sync Settings checkboxes and use the AC Lua Functions on demand. This may be preferable to avoid sync issues when saving the game mid-conversation.


The inspector has these properties:

Property Function
Use Dialog State Specifies what game state to put AC in during conversations. Set it to:
Never: To never change AC's game state
If Player Is Involved: To change to GameState.DialogOptions only if the player is involved in the conversation
Always: To change to GameState.DialogOptions during every conversation.
Take Camera Control Specifies when to take camera control during conversations. Set it to:
Never: Never touch the camera
If Player Is Involved: Only if the player is involved in the conversation
After Stop If Player Involved: Wait for AC to stop moving the camera, then take control
Always: Always grab the camera from AC control.
Max Time To Wait For Camera Stop If Take Camera Control is set to After Stop If Player Involved, this specifies the maximum time to wait for the camera to stop. This is a safety net in case AC never stops the camera.
Force Cursor Visible During Conversations Keep the mouse cursor visible during conversations.
Include Sim Status Tick to include SimStatus in save data. See About SimStatus below.
Prepend Global Variables Tick to prepend 'global_' in front of global AC variables in Dialogue System's Variable[] table. Use if you need to distinguish global and local variables that have the same name.
Save To Global Variable On Conversation End Tick to save the Lua environment to an AC global variable at the end of every conversation.
Save To Global Variable On Level Change Tick to save the Lua environment to an AC global variable before changing levels; to use this, you must add Dialogue System Saver to the PersistentEngine prefab as described in Saving and Loading.
Rerun Script After Cutscenes Tick to resolve race conditions between AC() sequencer command and Lua Script on subsequent dialogue entry.
Use Adventure Creator Language Tick to automatically set the Dialogue System's Localization to whatever Adventure Creator is set to. This will set the Dialogue System's language to the language name defined in Adventure Creator (e.g., "French").
Use Adventure Creator Subtitle Settings Tick to respect Adventure Creator's Subtitles toggle.

Note about Subtitles

Adventure Creator's subtitles are off by default. If the Adventure Creator Bridge's Use Adventure Creator Subtitle Settings checkbox is ticked, then the Dialogue System will respect this and it will not show subtitle text.

How "If Player Is Involved" Is Defined

  1. If the ThirdParty: Dialogue System Conversation action's Actor field is blank, at runtime it will use the first GameObject tagged "Player".
  2. If the Actor field's GameObject has an Adventure Creator Player component (even if it's on a child GameObject), the conversation is "player involved."
  3. Otherwise it looks up the GameObject's name in the dialogue database's actor table. You can override this name by adding a Dialogue Actor component to the GameObject. If the name matches an actor, it checks if the actor is a player. If so, the conversation is "player involved."
  4. In all other cases, the conversation is not "player involved."

If sequencer camera commands aren't working on the MainCamera during conversations, AC is probably not in the DialogState game state, so it will retain control of the MainCamera. If can happen if a player character is not assigned to the Actor field. (An easy way to assign the player is to simply leave this field blank.) You can check the current game state by adding the ShowGameState script to a GameObject in your scene, such as the Dialogue Manager.

You can override the Use Dialog State and Take Camera Control settings for a specific conversation on the Third Party: Dialogue System Conversation action.

Sync Settings

If the Sync Settings checkboxes are ticked, then when a conversation starts, the bridge will set the game state as specified in the properties above. Then it will copy Adventure Creator's inventory and global variables to the Dialogue System's Lua environment. When the conversation ends, it restore the Adventure Creator game state and copy the Dialogue System's Lua environment back to AC's inventory and global variables.

In the Dialogue System's Lua environment:

  • Every AC variable has a corresponding entry in the Lua Variable[] table. You can check the value in dialogue entry Conditions fields, and set the value in Script fields.
  • Every AC item has a corresponding entry in the Lua Item[] table. The entry has fields for the AC ID number (AC_ID) and the item count (Count). To remove an item, set its Count to 0.
  • In the Dialogue System, the following characters will be replaced by underscores (_) in variable and item names:
    • Hyphens (-), quotes (", '), forward slashes (/), parentheses, and blank spaces. - Boolean, Integer, Float, and String values will be copied normally. Pop-up variables will use the variable's integer value. <table class="markdownTable"> <tr class="markdownTableHead"> <th class="markdownTableHeadNone"> AC Data

Dialogue System Lua environment



Variable[ variableName ]

Variable["Tipped_barrel"] == true (was barrel tipped?)


Item[ itemName ]

Item["Prop_sword"].Count = 0 (remove sword)

If you don't want to sync either of these types of data, expand the bridge components Sync Settings foldout and untick what you don't want to sync.

Details: Inventory Management

To manage AC inventory in conversations:

  1. In the Dialogue Editor's Templates section, define a custom Number field named Count:
  1. In the Dialogue Editor, create an item in the Quests/Items section for each Adventure Creator item:
  1. Use the "..." dropdowns in the Conditions and Script fields to change an item's Count. This is the number of items that are in the player's inventory:

    When a conversation starts, the AdventureCreatorBridge component will update the Count values of the Dialogue System's items. When the conversation ends, the AdventureCreatorBridge will use the Dialogue System's Count values to update Adventure Creator.

Copy DS Vars To AC

The inspector has a "Copy DS Vars To AC" button that can copy variables defined in your dialogue database to Adventure Creator's global variables list.

Manual Syncing

Sync in Lua

To manually synchronize data between Adventure Creator and the Dialogue System, use either of these two Lua functions:

Syncs Adventure Creator's data into the Dialogue System's Lua environment. Specify what to sync using the checkboxes on the bridge component.

Syncs Dialogue System's Lua environment into Adventure Creator's data.

Both Lua functions are available in the Script > "..." dropdown menu, in Custom > AC.

Sync in C#

You can manually synchronize data and/or freeze Adventure Creator by calling these methods:

// Copy AC data into the Dialogue System:
// Copy Dialogue System data into AC:
// Freeze AC:
// Unfreeze AC:

The Sync methods respect the settings you've specified in the bridge component's Sync Settings foldout.

AC Lua Functions

The Adventure Creator Bridge component adds these Lua functions. They are also accessible from the "..." dropdown menus in Conditions and Script fields, in the Custom/AC submenu.

Lua Function Description
acGetBoolean("variableName") Returns a Boolean variable's value*.
acGetInteger("variableName") Returns an Integer variable's value*.
acGetFloat("variableName") Returns a Float variable's value*.
acGetText("variableName") Returns a Text variable's value*.
acSetBoolean("variableName", value) Sets a Boolean variable's value*.
acSetInteger("variableName", value) Sets a Integer variable's value*.
acSetFloat("variableName", value) Sets a Float variable's value*.
acSetText("variableName", "value") Sets a Text variable's value*.
acGetBooleanOnGO("gameObject", "variableName") Returns a Boolean variable's value* from a GameObject's Variables component.
acGetIntegerOnGO("gameObject", "variableName") Returns an Integer variable's value* from a GameObject's Variables component.
acGetFloatOnGO("gameObject", "variableName") Returns a Float variable's value* from a GameObject's Variables component.
acGetTextOnGO("gameObject", "variableName") Returns a Text variable's value* from a GameObject's Variables component.
acSetBooleanOnGO("gameObject", "variableName", value) Sets a Boolean variable's value* from a GameObject's Variables component.
acSetIntegerOnGO("gameObject", "variableName", value) Sets a Integer variable's value* from a GameObject's Variables component.
acSetFloatOnGO("gameObject", "variableName", value) Sets a Float variable's value* from a GameObject's Variables component.
acSetTextOnGO("gameObject", "variableName", "value") Sets a Text variable's value* from a GameObject's Variables component.
acGetItemCount("itemName") Returns the amount of an item in the player's inventory.
acSetItemCount("itemName", value) Sets the amount of an item in the player's inventory.
acIncItemCount("itemName", value) Increments the amount of an item in the player's inventory.
acGetObjectiveState(objectiveID, "playerName") Gets an AC objective state**.

The Lua functions look for a matching local scene variable first. If the function doesn't find a local variable with the specified name, it looks for a global variable. To use variables on a specific GameObject's Variables component, use the acGetXXXOnGO() Lua functions.


  • objectiveID is the numeric ID of the objective.
  • If playerName is blank, it will check the current player.
  • Returns "none", "active", "complete", or "fail".

Dialogue System Actions

The Dialogue System's Adventure Creator Support package adds these new actions to Adventure Creator under Third Party:

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Conversation

Starts a Dialogue System conversation. The scene must have a Dialogue Manager.

Property Function
Conversation Title The title of a conversation defined in the Dialogue Manager's dialogue database.
Specify entry ID? Tick to start from a specified entry ID instead of the START node.
Actor The main actor in the conversation, usually the player. Leave blank to default to the player.
Conversant The other actor in the conversation, usually an NPC.
Override bridge control? Tick to override the Use Dialog State and Take Camera Control settings on the Dialogue System - Adventure Creator Bridge.
Wait until finish? Tick to stay on this action, and not progress to the next action in the actionlist/cutscene, until the conversation ends.
Stop on skip? Tick to stop the conversation if the player skips the actionlist/cutscene.

Note that conversations can have multiple actors. The Actor and Conversant simply define the two primary actors.

If the scene has an Dialogue System - Adventure Creator Bridge, Adventure Creator data will be synced with the Dialogue System's Lua environment.

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Conversation

Checks if a Dialogue System conversation is active.

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Bark

Starts a Dialogue System bark (a one-off line of dialogue). The scene must have a Dialogue Manager.

Property Function
Bark Conversation Title The title of a conversation defined in the Dialogue Manager's dialogue database. See Barks for an explanation of how bark lines are defined in conversations.
Actor The actor being barked at the bark. Leave blank to default to the player.
Conversant The barker.
Sync Data If ticked, Adventure Creator data is synchronized to the Dialogue System before barking and back to Adventure Creator after barking. Since this could have a small impact on performance if many barks occur at the same time, you have the option to leave it unticked if your barks don't need to access AC data.

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Alert

Shows a gameplay alert message using the Dialogue System's dialogue UI. The scene must have a Dialogue Manager.

Property Function
Message The message to show, which may contain Markup Tags.
Duration The duration in seconds to show the message.
Sync Data If ticked, Adventure Creator data is synchronized to the Dialogue System before showing the message.

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Lua

Runs Lua code in the Dialogue System's Lua environment. This is often used to update the state of a quest, as demonstrated in the "Sword_Use" interaction in the example scene. The scene must have a Dialogue Manager.

Property Function
Lua Code The Lua code to run.
Sync Data If ticked, Adventure Creator data is synchronized to the Dialogue System's Lua environment before running the Lua code, and Lua is synced back to Adventure Creator after.
Update Quest Tracker Updates the quest tracker HUD, if one exists on the Dialogue Manager object.
Store Result? Optionally lets you specify the ID of a global string variable in which to store the result.

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Status & Relationships

Runs status and relationship Chat Mapper Functions in the Dialogue System's Lua environment.

Property Function
Get Status Stores the value of the GetStatus() Lua function into an AC variable.
Set Status Uses SetStatus() to set a status value.
Get Relationship Stores the value of the GetRelationship() Lua function into an AC variable.
Set Relationship Calls SetRelationship(), IncRelationship(), or DecRelationship() Lua functions to set a relationship value.

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Check

Evaluates a Lua expression and branches the action list based on whether the returned value is true or false. This action provides a shortcut rather than using the Lua action above, storing the result in an Adventure Creator global variable, and then checking the value of that variable.

Property Function
Lua Code The Lua condition to check.
Sync Data If ticked, Adventure Creator data is synchronized to the Dialogue System's Lua environment before running the Lua code.

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Quest Check

Checks the state of a quest or quest entry. The scene must have a Dialogue Manager.

Property Function
Quest Name The quest to check.
Mode Check main quest state or quest entry.
Quest State The required state.

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Quest Set

Sets the state of a quest or quest entry. The scene must have a Dialogue Manager.

Property Function
Quest Name The quest to set.
Mode Set main quest state or quest entry.
Quest State The new state.

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Quest Log Window

Shows or hides the quest log window.

Property Function
Show? Show or hide.

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Sequencer Message

Sends a message to the Dialogue System's sequencer. See Sequencer Command Syntax for information about using sequencer messages.

Property Function
Message The message to send to the sequencer.

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Save Data

Saves the Dialogue System's data in an Adventure Creator global variable. Use this action just before any Change Scene actions. This allows Adventure Creator to carry the data through to the next scene.

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Restore Data

Retrieves the Dialogue System's data from the Adventure Creator global variable. You will probably never need to use this action since it's handled automatically in most cases.

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Sync Lua

Property Function
Direction Sync from AC to DS Lua or DS Lua to AC. Calls the Adventure Creator Bridge component's methods to perform the sync.

ThirdParty: Dialogue System Pause

Property Function
Mode Pause or unpause the Dialogue System.

Lua Var Change Watcher

To define an action list that's triggered by a change in a Dialogue System Lua variable, add about Lua Var Change Watcher component (Pixel Crushers → Dialogue System → Third Party → Adventure Creator → Lua Var Change Watcher.

Sequencer Commands


Syntax: AC(cutscene[, nowait[, stepNum]])

Description: Plays an Adventure Creator cutscene or action list.


  • cutscene: The name of a GameObject containing an Adventure Creator Cutscene or ActionList component, or an ActionListAsset contained in a Resources folder, asset bundle, or Addressables.
  • nowait: (Optional) If nowait is passed as the second parameter, the cutscene runs in the background, and control passes immediately to the next stage of the conversation. Anything else (such as wait) tells the sequencer to wait until the cutscene is done.
  • stepNum: (Optional) The step number to start from. Default: 0 (the beginning).


  • When this command starts, it copies Dialogue System variable values into their corresponding Adventure Creator variables. When the command ends, it copies the Adventure Creator variable values back into the Dialogue System.


  • AC(Try lifting) (Plays the "Try lifting" cutscene.)
  • AC(Dance, nowait, 3) (Plays the "Dance" cutscene starting at step 3 without waiting for it to finish.)


Syntax: ACCam(on|off|idle|cameraName, [smoothTime])

Description: Enables or disables Adventure Creator's control of the camera. In most circumstances, you can just use the settings in the Dialogue System - Adventure Creator Bridge, but this sequencer command gives you additional control options.


  • on|off|idle|cameraName: The new control mode.
    • on: Enables Adventure Creator's control of the camera.
    • off: Disables Adventure Creator's control of the camera.
    • idle: Waits until the camera has stopped, then disables Adventure Creator's control.
    • cameraName: Switches to the named AC camera, unless you've configured the AC Bridge to disable the AC camera during conversations.
  • smoothTime: Only valid if you specified a camera name as the first parameter. Smoothly moves to the camera over this number of seconds. Default: 0 (instant cut).


  • ACCam(off) (Lets the Dialogue System control the camera)
  • ACCam(Stage Left, 2) (Smoothly moves to the Stage Left camera defined in AC over 2 seconds)


Syntax: ACSpeech(lineID, [nowait])

Description: Plays the current dialogue entry through Adventure Creator's lipsync and subtitle system.


  • lineID: An Adventure Creator-style filename such as "Player42". The number (e.g., 42) doesn't come from Adventure Creator. Instead, it's assigned by the Dialogue System. See the note below.
  • nowait: If specified, plays the dialogue entry in the background and doesn't wait for it.


  • To use this command with Adventure Creator lipsync, make sure to enable lip synching on the Speech tab of Adventure Creator's Game Editor window.
  • Line IDs provided to this sequencer command are in the format used by Adventure Creator (that is, (ActorName)(number)), but they aren't generated by Adventure Creator. This is because the lines are in the Dialogue System's dialogue databases, not in Adventure Creator. Adventure Creator's subtitle and lipsync features can still work with the line IDs, though, because they're in a compatible format.
  • Tick the Adventure Creator Bridge component's Generate "Adventure Creator Lipsync Lines" checkbox.
  • Entrytags will make it much easier to automate lipsync. (See Entrytags for general information about entrytags.) If you set the Dialogue Manager's Display Settings → Camera & Cutscene Settings → Entrytag Style to Actor Name Line Number, the Dialogue System will set the keyword entrytag to a line ID in Adventure Creator format.
    • You can use the Dialogue Editor to export the dialogue database as a Voiceover CSV file to get a list of all line IDs.
    • Name your audio clips and lipsync files with these line IDs, and place them in Resources folder(s) as described in the Adventure Creator documentation.
    • EXCEPTION: If player switching is allowed or the AC Speech Manager's "Use player prefab name in filenames" is UNticked (the default), name your player files using the format Player### instead of the player actor's name.
    • Then you can set the Dialogue Manager's Default Sequence to something like:


  • ACSpeech(Brain2) (Plays the audio, and possibly lipsync file, "Brain2")
  • ACSpeech(entrytag,nowait) (Plays the audio, and possibly lipsync file, specified by the current line; play in background)
    • (Assumes Entrytag Style is set to Actor Name Line Number

Controlling Characters

Adventure Creator doesn't provide a way to temporarily relinquish its control of characters. This means the Dialogue System's LookAt() and MoveTo() sequencer commands won't work because AC will fight them for control.

Instead, create an Adventure Creator actionlist and use the AC() sequencer command to run it.

For example, say you've created an actionlist named "AdamWalksToDoor" with a single action that moves an NPC named Adam to the door. Use it in the Dialogue System like this:

  • Dialogue Text: "See you later! I'm going home!"
  • Sequence: AC(AdamWalksToDoor)

Saving and Loading

The Dialogue System integration package provides two static functions in AdventureCreatorBridge that save the Dialogue System's state into an Adventure Creator global variable and retrieve it again when loading a game. These methods will automatically create the global variable if it doesn't already exist.

To hook the Dialogue System into Adventure Creator's Save System:

  1. Inspect the PersistentEngine prefab, and select the menu item Component → Pixel Crushers → Dialogue System → Third Party → Adventure Creator → Remember Dialogue System. This will save the Dialogue System's state to Adventure Creator when saving a game and restore it when loading a game.
    • Change the Constant ID number to Manual.
    • Tick Retain in prefab?
    • Set ID to a unique value such as 99999.
  2. If you also need to save the state when switching levels, inspect the Dialogue Manager's AdventureCreatorBridge and tick Save To Global Variable On Level Change.

If the Dialogue Manager has a Save System component, it will use it. (See Save System) Otherwise it will only use the Dialogue System's PersistentDataManager, which saves the dialogue database runtime values and any persistent data components but not Savers.

About SimStatus

If Include Sim Status is ticked on the Adventure Creator Bridge, the status of all dialogue entries will be included in the save data. This records whether an entry was offered in a response menu and/or whether it has been spoken by an actor. If you have a lot of dialogue entries, this can make the save data large. It's unticked by default since many games don't need to record this information. You must also tick Include Sim Status on the Dialogue Manager to maintain runtime sim status in the first place.

Pausing the Game

Adventure Creator pauses the game during player menus by setting Time.timeScale = 0. By default, the Dialogue System ignores Time.timeScale. This allows you to pause gameplay but still continue to run a conversation. If you want the Dialogue System to pause when Time.timeScale is zero, set the Dialogue System's time mode to gameplay mode:

using PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem; ...
DialogueTime.Mode = DialogueTime.TimeMode.Gameplay;

Unity UI and Adventure Creator Aspect Ratio

Adventure Creator has an option to force the display into an aspect ratio. This puts black bars on the edges of the screen as necessary to make the visible area conform to the specified aspect ratio.

To make your Unity UI dialogue UIs adjust to the aspect ratio:

  1. Create a Unity UI Canvas with a Panel that stretches over the entire screen. (Set the Rect Transform to stretch in all directions, with Left/Top/Right/Bottom values all zero.)
  2. Add your UI elements as children of this panel.
  3. Add an Aspect Ratio Fitter component.
  4. Set the Aspect Mode to Fit In Parent.
  5. Set the Aspect Ratio to the same value as AC's Settings > Camera Settings > Aspect Ratio.

You can use this component for any Unity UI, such as AC Unity UI menus.

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