Month: April 2017

Love/Hate 1.8.6 is now available on the Asset Store!

The major addition in 1.8.6 is that personality traits are now dynamic. When a character sees a friend commit a deed, the character’s personality traits will nudge toward the deed’s traits. The higher the character’s Impressionability setting, the more easily its personality traits are influenced by friends’ deeds.

For example, say a street urchin is adopted by a thief. As the urchin watches the thief commit robberies and burglaries, the urchin’s Lawfulness value may decrease while his Greed value increases.

Another nice improvement is that the Faction Manager inspector now lets you view and edit the runtime faction database.

Version 1.8.6:

  • Changed: Save format now includes factions’ personality trait values.
  • Added: Impressionability value to FactionMember, which changes personality traits based on deeds witnessed.
  • Added: FactionMember.ShareRumor delegate.
  • Added: Rumor.Expire() method.
  • Improved: Faction Manager editor now shows runtime faction database contents.
  • Improved: Added option to not run memory cleanup.
  • Improved: Methods in triggers & StabilizePAD are now protected virtual, not private.
  • Minor API updates for Unity 5.6.