PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.Wrappers.UnityUIQuestLogWindow Class Reference

This wrapper class keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class. More...

Inheritance diagram for PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.Wrappers.UnityUIQuestLogWindow:
Collaboration diagram for PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.Wrappers.UnityUIQuestLogWindow:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.QuestLogWindow
enum  QuestHeadingSource { Name , Description }
- Public Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UnityUIQuestLogWindow
override void Awake ()
virtual void Update ()
override void OpenWindow (System.Action openedWindowHandler)
 Open the window by showing the main panel.
void AutoFocus ()
override void CloseWindow (System.Action closedWindowHandler)
 Close the window by hiding the main panel.
override void OnQuestListUpdated ()
 Whenever the quest list is updated, repopulate the scroll panel.
void NotifyContentChanged ()
void ClickQuestFoldout (string questTitle)
void ClickQuestGroupFoldout (string group)
override void ConfirmAbandonQuest (string title, System.Action confirmAbandonQuestHandler)
 Opens the abandon confirmation popup.
void ClickConfirmAbandonQuestButton ()
void ClickCancelAbandonQuestButton ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.QuestLogWindow
virtual void OpenWindow (Action openedWindowHandler)
 Opens the window.
virtual void CloseWindow (Action closedWindowHandler)
 Closes the window.
virtual void ConfirmAbandonQuest (string title, Action confirmedAbandonQuestHandler)
 Asks the player to confirm abandonment of a quest.
virtual void Open ()
 Opens the quest window.
virtual void Close ()
 Closes the quest log window.
virtual bool IsQuestVisible (string questTitle)
virtual string GetLocalizedText (string fieldName)
 Gets the localized text for a field name.
virtual bool IsSelectedQuest (QuestInfo questInfo)
 Determines whether the specified questInfo is for the currently-selected quest.
void ClickClose (object data)
 Your GUI close button should call this.
virtual void ClickShowActiveQuests (object data)
 Your GUI "show active quests" button should call this.
virtual void ClickShowCompletedQuests (object data)
 Your GUI "show completed quests" button should call this.
virtual void ClickQuest (object data)
 Your GUI should call this when the player clicks on a quest to expand or close it.
virtual void ClickAbandonQuest (object data)
 Your GUI should call this when the player clicks to abandon a quest.
virtual void ClickTrackQuest (object data)
 Your GUI should call this when the player clicks to toggle quest tracking.
virtual void ClickShowActiveQuestsButton ()
void ClickShowCompletedQuestsButton ()
void ClickCloseButton ()
void ClickAbandonQuestButton ()
void ClickTrackQuestButton ()
void UpdateTracker ()
- Public Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UnityUIQuestLogWindow
UnityEngine.UI.Graphic mainPanel
 The main quest log window panel.
UnityEngine.UI.Button activeQuestsButton
 The active quests button.
UnityEngine.UI.Button completedQuestsButton
 The completed quests button.
UnityEngine.UI.Graphic questTable
 The quest table.
UnityUIQuestGroupTemplate questGroupTemplate
UnityUIQuestTemplate questTemplate
 The quest template.
UnityEngine.UI.Graphic abandonPopup
 The confirmation popup to use if the player clicks the abandon quest button.
UnityEngine.UI.Text abandonQuestTitle
 The quest title label to set in the abandon quest dialog popup.
AnimationTransitions animationTransitions = new AnimationTransitions()
bool autoFocus = false
 Set true to always keep a control focused; useful for gamepads.
float autoFocusCheckFrequency = 0.5f
 If auto focusing, check on this frequency in seconds that the control is focused.
UnityEvent onOpen = new UnityEvent()
UnityEvent onClose = new UnityEvent()
UnityEvent onContentChanged = new UnityEvent()
bool addEventSystemIfNeeded = true
- Public Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.QuestLogWindow
TextTable textTable = null
string noActiveQuestsText = "No Active Quests"
string noCompletedQuestsText = "No Completed Quests"
bool checkVisibleField = false
QuestHeadingSource questHeadingSource = QuestHeadingSource.Name
 The quest title source.
QuestState abandonQuestState = QuestState.Unassigned
 The state to assign abandoned quests.
bool pauseWhileOpen = true
 If true, the window sets Time.timeScale = 0 to pause the game while displaying the quest log window.
bool unlockCursorWhileOpen = true
 If true, the cursor is unlocked while the quest log window is open.
bool useGroups = false
 If true, organize the quests by group.
string newQuestText = string.Empty
bool trackOneQuestAtATime = false
bool deselectQuestOnSecondClick = true
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UnityUIQuestLogWindow
override void Start ()
 Hide the main panel and all of the templates on start.
void SetStateButtonListeners ()
void SetStateToggleButtons ()
virtual void ClearQuestTable ()
virtual void AddQuestsToTable ()
virtual void AddQuestGroupToTable (string group)
 Adds a quest group to the table using the template.
virtual void AddQuestToTable (QuestInfo questInfo)
 Adds a quest to the table using the template.
virtual void SetQuestDetails (UnityUIQuestTemplate questControl, QuestInfo questInfo)
void OnTrackButtonClicked (GameObject button)
 Track button clicked event that sets SelectedQuest first.
void OnAbandonButtonClicked (GameObject button)
 Abandon button clicked event that sets SelectedQuest first.
void OpenAbandonPopup (string title)
 Opens the abandon popup modally if assigned; otherwise immediately confirms.
void CloseAbandonPopup ()
 Closes the abandon popup.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.QuestLogWindow
virtual void OnEnable ()
virtual void OnDisable ()
void RegisterForUpdateTrackerEvents ()
void UnregisterFromUpdateTrackerEvents ()
virtual void OnOpenedWindow ()
virtual void OnClosedWindow ()
virtual void PauseGameplay ()
virtual void ResumeGameplay ()
virtual void ShowQuests (QuestState questStateMask)
virtual QuestInfo GetQuestInfo (string group, string title)
virtual string GetNoQuestsMessage (QuestState questStateMask)
 Gets the "no quests" message for a quest state (active or success|failure).
virtual void OnConfirmAbandonQuest ()
 Your GUI should call this when the player confirms abandonment of a quest.
IEnumerator UpdateQuestDisplayAtEndOfFrame ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UnityUIQuestLogWindow
System.Action confirmAbandonQuestHandler = null
 This handler is called if the player confirms abandonment of a quest.
List< string > collapsedGroups = new List<string>()
List< UnityUIQuestGroupTemplategroupTemplateInstances = new List<UnityUIQuestGroupTemplate>()
List< UnityUIQuestTemplatequestTemplateInstances = new List<UnityUIQuestTemplate>()
List< UnityUIQuestGroupTemplateunusedGroupTemplateInstances = new List<UnityUIQuestGroupTemplate>()
List< UnityUIQuestTemplateunusedQuestTemplateInstances = new List<UnityUIQuestTemplate>()
int siblingIndexCounter = 0
- Protected Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.QuestLogWindow
QuestState currentQuestStateMask = ActiveQuestStateMask
 The current quest state mask.
float previousTimeScale = 1
 The previous time scale prior to opening the window.
Coroutine refreshCoroutine = null
bool started = false
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.QuestLogWindow
const QuestState ActiveQuestStateMask = QuestState.Active | QuestState.ReturnToNPC
- Properties inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UnityUIQuestLogWindow
UIShowHideController showHideController [get]
- Properties inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.QuestLogWindow
bool isOpen [get, protected set]
 Indicates whether the quest log window is currently open.
QuestInfo[] quests [get, protected set]
 The current list of quests.
string[] groups [get, protected set]
 The current list of quest groups.
string selectedQuest [get, protected set]
 The title of the currently-selected quest.
string noQuestsMessage [get, protected set]
 The message to show if Quests[] is empty.
virtual bool isShowingActiveQuests [get]
 Indicates whether the window is showing active quests or completed quests.

Detailed Description

This wrapper class keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class.

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