Standard UI Subtitle Panel

Component > Pixel Crushers > Dialogue System > UI > Standard UI > Dialogue > Standard UI Subtitle Panel

Placed on a subtitle panel that will be used by a Standard Dialogue UI.


Property Function
Panel The main panel. Not mandatory.
Portrait Image Used to show the actor's portrait image. Not mandatory.
Portrait Name Used to show the actor's display name. Not mandatory.
Subtitle Text Used to show the dialogue text.
Continue Button Shown in Continue Button modes. Not mandatory. Add a Standard UI Continue Button Fast Forward to make the first click fast-forward the text.
Use Animated Portraits Support Animated Portraits. If your actors' portraits aren't animated, untick to bypass its overhead.
Accumulate Text Append dialogue text instead of replacing each line.
Add Speaker Name Prepend the actor's name to the dialogue text.
Speaker Name Format The format in which to prepend the actor's name if Add Speaker Name is ticked.
First Selected In joystick/keyboard mode, start UI navigation on this element.
Focus Check Frequency On this frequency, ensure that some UI element is focused for navigation.
Refresh Frequency On this frequency, refresh the cache of navigable UI elements.
Visibility When subtitle panel should be visible/hidden.
Start State The starting state of the panel.
Animation Triggers Animator triggers to control panel visibility (see Panel Animation).


For details about the Standard Dialogue UI system, see: Standard Dialogue UI.

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