PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.RealisticFPSPrefabSupport Namespace Reference


class  DialogueSystemOnPickUpItem
 This script runs Dialogue System actions when the game object receives a "PickUpItem" message. More...
class  FollowFPSPlayer
 Makes the PlayerCharacter follow the FPSPlayer during sequences in conversations. More...
class  FPSLuaBridge
 This component synchronizes data between the Realistic FPS Prefab player and the Dialogue System's Lua environment. More...
class  FPSQuestLogWindowHotkey
class  LuaOnDestroy
 This script runs Lua code when the game object is destroyed. More...
class  LuaOnPickUpItem
 This script runs Lua code when the game object receives a "PickUpItem" message. More...
class  PauseAIOnConversation
 Pauses RFPS's AI when an NPC is engaged in a conversation. More...
class  RealisticFPSPrefabMenuItems
 This class defines the Realistic FPS Prefab integration menu items in the Dialogue System menu. More...
class  SyncLuaToFPSOnLoadLevel
 This component should usually be added to the Dialogue Manager object, not the player object! This is because it needs to persist across level loads. More...
class  UnregisterNPCOnDestroy
 If your NPC has a PersistentDestructible, it will be destroyed when you load a saved game in which it's been killed. More...