GameFlow Support

This page describes how to set up the Dialogue System with GameFlow. (GameFlow is required.)

GameFlow copyright © Evasion Games.

GameFlow Setup

Follow these steps to set up the Dialogue System with GameFlow.

  • Import the package Third Party Support ► GameFlow Support. This will unpack files into the folder Third Party Support ► GameFlow Support.
  • Configure your character(s) with gameFlow2D/3D components as described in the gameFlow manual.
  • Use the GameFlow() sequencer command in sequences, such as in the Sequence field of your dialogue entries. You can also take advantage of the entrytag keyword (see Entrytags).

Example Scene

The Example folder contains an example scene that has two GameFlow Programs on the NPC named Private Hart:

  1. A Program that invokes the Dialogue System Trigger's OnUse() method. This component invokes the Conversation Trigger's OnUse method to start a conversation.
  2. A Program that plays a voiceover clip, invoked in conversation by a GameFlow() sequencer command. Private Hart's first line has this sequencer command in its Sequence field:

Sequencer Commands

You can use the following sequencer commands in your dialogue entries' Sequence fields to interface with GameFlow.


Syntax: GameFlow(GameObject[, ProgramID[, nowait]])

Description: Plays a GameFlow Program.


  • GameObject: (Optional) The name of a GameObject that has one or more GameFlow Programs. Default: speaker.
  • ProgramID: The ID of the Program to run. If not specified, uses the first Program found on the GameObject.
  • nowait: If present and nowait, the sequencer command doesn't wait for the Program to finish.


  • GameFlow(Private Hart, Program_Typing) (Plays the "Program_Typing" Program found on the GameObject "Private Hart")
  • GameFlow() (Plays the first Program found on the current speaker)

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