Dialogue Editor Templates Tab

Use the Templates tab to change the default fields that are added to new database asset (actors, items, etc.). You can also change the colors used by the Dialogue Tree.

The template is global and stored in EditorPrefs. It applies to all dialogue databases edited using the Dialogue Editor.

The Templates tab is only available at design-time. At runtime, it's replaced by the Dialogue Editor Watches Tab.

Templates Menu

The menu in the upper right provides these options:

Menu Item Description
Export XML... Export the template to an XML file
Import XML... Import the template from an XML file
Update Template From Assets Adds any custom fields defined on assets to the template
Apply Template To Assets Applies the template to all assets in the database
Sync Template And Assets First runs Update Template From Assets, then runs Apply Template to Assets
Reset Reset the template to its original settings

Editing Templates

To edit a template, expand its foldout.

  • To add a field, click the + next to the template name. In the screenshot above, a new actor field Age has been added.
  • To delete a field, click the - next to the field.
  • To make a field appear in the asset's primary editor section and not just in the All Fields foldout, tick the checkbox under Main (only available for some templates).

If you add fields to the template after creating assets, you can add missing fields to existing assets by clicking the asset's Template button, or by selecting the Update From Assets menu item from the Templates Menu.

Dialogue Line Colors

You can customize the colors used on the Dialogue Editor Conversations Tab in Outline mode.

Item Description
NPC Lines Lines spoken by any NPC
PC Lines Lines spoken by the PC
Repeat Lines Repeated lines that appear earlier in the outline

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