Dialogue System 2.2.36 Released

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Tony Li
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Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:27 pm

Dialogue System 2.2.36 Released

Post by Tony Li »

Release Notes:

- Improved: Pressing Enter in Dialogue Editor conversation search bar jumps to first conversation matching search string.
- Improved: Increment On Destroy component now lets you specify dialogue database for variable dropdown.
- Improved: InputDeviceManager.IsKeyDown now handles Mouse# key codes when using Input System package.
- Improved: Updated shared UI panel code: if panel has Event Trigger with Select event, Auto Focus now invokes event when opening panel & selecting first selectable.
- Improved: If StandardUIMenuPanel blockInputDuration > 0, does not select a response button until duration elapses.
- Fixed: Removed error message if Dialogue Manager's Warmup mode was set to Extra and no StandardDialogueUI was assigned to Dialogue UI field.
- Fixed: If response menu timer is counting down, it can now resume if GameObject is deactivated and reactivated mid-countdown.
- Fixed: Possible coroutine start error with StandardUIMenuPanel using TextMesh Pro and autoscroll.
- Fixed: ChangeActorName() now works when active conversation uses a different actor for primary conversant than actor set in database.
- Fixed: DialogueActor.GetActorName() now handles [em#] tags (e.g., [em#] tags in Display Names).
- Fixed: Conditions that consist only of a comment now return true.
- Fixed: Gracefully handles conversations that contain entry ID conflicts; reports conflicting IDs.
- Fixed: LiveCamera() without subject defaults to speaker.
- Fixed: PersistentDataManager excludes fields with blank Names from save data.

Third Party Support:
- articy:draft: Now recognizes Grantable and ReturnToNPC quest states; now handles input pins/condition nodes that contain only a comment.
- Gem:
- Updated branding to (Backlight) Gem instead of Celtx Gem.
- After importing, updates Dialogue Editor window.
- Elements in sequence nodes are now given their own Celtx ID values in dialogue entries.
- Fixed: Issue with missing actor/conversant assignment under certain circumstances.
- Fixed: Custom breakdowns in certain circumstances would import as the wrong custom type.
- Possible known issues with conditions and custom breakdown items (will be addressed in a patch).
- Corgi: Updated for v8.3.
- Feel: Updated for v3.11.
- Opsive UCC: Updated for v3.0.9.
- RPG Builder:
- Pause during conversation now unpauses after conversation.
- New character after deleting character now resets save data.
- CombatEntityEvent now runs OnDeath() only once even if RPGB invokes CombatEvents.EntityDied multiple times.
- Kill Skeletons quest now asks to kill 3 skeletons to demonstrate how to increment counter variable.
- Twine: Updated Twine importer for change to Conditional() Lua function in 2.2.34 that affected Twine (if:) statements.

I'm working on two known issues with Celtx imports regarding conditions and breakdown items.
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