Find the position of a dialogue element

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Find the position of a dialogue element

Post by jpulliam »

Is there a way to get the screen position of a dialogue element such as the NPC Subtitle so that I can add an additional custom UI element relative to it's position?
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Tony Li
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Find the position of a dialogue element

Post by Tony Li »

It depends on what GUI system you're using. Generally speaking, in a script you can access dialogue elements through the UI's xxxDialogueUI script -- for example, UnityDialogueUI.dialogue.npcSubtitle.line.

The dialogue UI implementations provided with the Dialogue System (for Unity GUI, NGUI, DF-GUI, etc.) all have parent panels for the major elements. There's an NPC Subtitle Panel that's a parent of the NPC Subtitle Line. You can place additional dialogue elements as children of the NPC Subtitle Panel, and they'll be displayed whenever the NPC is delivering a line of dialogue.
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