[HOWTO] How To: Extend Surface Data

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Tony Li
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Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:27 pm

[HOWTO] How To: Extend Surface Data

Post by Tony Li »

Grid Controller detects Surfaces on floors, walls, and ceilings.

Version 1.0.10 adds a GridController.CurrentFloorSurface property that returns the Surface under the player's feet.

In version 1.0.9 and earlier, you can make a subclass of GridController and override GetSurfaceUnderPosition to get the Surface, something like:

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public class MyGridController : GridController
    public Surface CurrentFloorSurface {get; set;}
    protected override Surface GetSurfaceUnderPosition(Vector3 position, out Vector3 hitPoint)
        CurrentFloorSurface = base.GetSurfaceUnderPosition(position, out hitPoint);
        return CurrentFloorSurface;
(I just typed that in here; there could be typos, etc.)

Version 1.0.10 is coming out on Monday (as of this post), so it might be simpler to just wait for it.

Whether you use 1.0.9 or 1.0.10, you can make a subclass of Surface, or a subclass of the SurfaceType ScriptableObject asset class, to add your own data. For example, if you want to damage the player when they step on certain squares, you could make a subclass of SurfaceType:

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public class DamagingSurfaceType : AudioSurfaceType
    public int damage = 0;
Create ScriptableObject assets of this type and assign them to Surfaces. Then you can hook into GridController's EnteredPosition event:

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GridController.Instance..EnteredPosition += CheckSurfaceOnEnteredPosition;
void CheckSurfaceOnEnteredPosition(Vector3 position)
    if (GridController.Instance.CurrentFloorSurface.SurfaceType is DamagingSurfaceType damagingSurfaceType)
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