Dialogue System 2.2.33 Released

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Tony Li
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Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:27 pm

Dialogue System 2.2.33 Released

Post by Tony Li »

Release Notes:


- Improved: Dialogue UI response menu autonumber now allows [em] tags.
- Improved: Added Dialogue Manager checkbox for Sequencer.reportMissingAudioFiles.
- Improved: Dialogue System Trigger can now specify to start a conversation at a specific entry by Title.
- Improved: When running simultaneous conversations, special Lua variables "Actor" & "Conversant" are now set to the current conversation.
- Improved: Selector/Proximity Selector now automatically hide selector UI when disabled.
- Improved: Added option to export Items in Dialogue Editor Localization Export/Import foldout.
- Improved: Exposed Dialogue Editor & Unique ID Tool methods for third party script access.
- Improved: Exposed DialogueManager.databaseManager.loadedDatabases property.
- Improved: Added ConversationModel.OverrideCharacterCache(actorID, override) method.
- Improved: ConversationModel.GetState() now catches exceptions from custom OnExecute() events.
- Improved: Added Variable Name option to Custom Lua Function Info configuration assets.
- Improved: DialogueManager.LoadAsset() loads addressables by IResourceLocator instead of name to work better with console deployments.
- Fixed: DialogueManager.lastConversationEnded was not being set.
- Fixed: If entrytag format is set to VoiceOverFile and entry doesn't have a VoiceOverFile field, no longer reports error.
- Fixed: When deleting field from items template and assets, would also delete field in quests, and vice versa.
- Fixed: Adding sequence to dialogue entry didn't instantly update icon on node.
- Fixed: Focus Template Standard Dialogue UI prefab's Text Field UI > Canvas Group > Block Raycasts was accidentally unticked.
- Fixed: Removed harmless assert message when entering editor play mode while SaveSystem or Dialogue Manager is hidden in Scene view.
- Fixed: Lua script wizard no longer add semicolon at end if one is already there.
- Fixed: Issue with editor play mode testing with Dialogue Manager set to extra warmup and starting conversation manually on scene start.
- Save System: Changed default Frames To Wait Before Apply Data to 0.
- Save System: Exposed SavedGameData.Dict.
- Localization Package: Now assigns valid GUID if Guid field exists but is blank; fixed actor name localization issue.
- Visual Scripting: Added "Get Lua Result As (type)" methods.

Third Party Support:

- Adventure Creator: Lua functions are now publicly accessible to C# code; acGetItemCount() now checks KickStarter.runtimeInventory.localItems.
- articy:draft: Added Set Display Name option; updated Localization Plugin importer.
- Arcweave: Added fast import to dialogue database inspector's Reconvert dropdown; exposed import methods for custom C# scripts.
- Celtx Gem: Now imports breakdown and multi-tag breakdown items; fixed issue with <START> nodes being marked as group nodes; fixed import issue when first node in sequence was deleted and replaced.
- Chat Mapper: Chat Mapper import no longer sets group nodes' Sequence to Continue().
- Corgi: Updated for Corgi Platformer Engine 8.1; added easier setup for quest log windows.
- Ink: Handles <br> tags; added support for Ink LIST variables.
- Invector: Added Pause Invector During Conversation checkbox to bridge component.
- Lively Chat Bubbles: Added support for portrait images.
- RPG Builder: Added integration.
- SuperTextMesh: Added built-in support in StandardUIContinueButtonFastForward.
- TopDown Engine: Improved pause method to better find abilities & stop feedbacks during conversations.
- Yarn: Fixed custom command processing issue; fixed bug which passed all custom command arguments as strings and didn't process quoted strings; added support for <<seq sequence>> commands.
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