The system have a global Deed?and other 3 questions

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The system have a global Deed?and other 3 questions

Post by mengliang010800 »

Hello everyone,I have 3 questions
1.Whether there is a global Deed?For example,The weather or time affects everyone's emotional,A rainy day makes most people depressed,More rational during the day, more rational at night,and so on。It does not affect the faction。
2.The deed Template’s impact value,My test shows that when impact is less than 0, its impact on pleasure is all less than 0,No matter what the other Traits are。This is not true in some time,For example:bribe is not pleasant to an Integrity person,but It is happy for greedy people。
3.How to use Traits to influence character judgment,For example:A brave man may choose the more dangerous with better returns。

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Tony Li
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Re: The system have a global Deed?and other 3 questions

Post by Tony Li »


> 1.Whether there is a global Deed?For example,The weather or time affects everyone's emotional,A rainy day makes most people depressed,More rational during the day, more rational at night,and so on。It does not affect the faction.

You could set up a global deed by setting up a neutral faction named Weather. If you use a Deed Template Library, set the deed to Global.

However, since weather only affects emotions, I think it might be better to modify the faction members' PAD values, similarly to how the StabilizePAD script does. At night, reduce everyone's Pleasure and Arousal. In the morning, increase everyone's Pleasure and Arousal.

> 2.The deed Template’s impact value,My test shows that when impact is less than 0, its impact on pleasure is all less than 0,No matter what the other Traits are。This is not true in some time,For example:bribe is not pleasant to an Integrity person,but It is happy for greedy people.

The formula is on page 70 of the manual. The affinity of the witness to the target has a higher priority. If the impact is negative and the witness does not like the target, the pleasure should be positive. This is because the witness is seeing something negative happen to someone they don't like. For example, if a citizen witnesses a police officer arrest a criminal (which is a negative impact to the criminal), the citizen's pleasure should go up. However, the pleasure may be reduced somewhat if the deed's traits do not align with the witness's traits.

> 3.How to use Traits to influence character judgment,For example:A brave man may choose the more dangerous with better returns.

When choosing actions, use FactionManager.instance.factionDatabase.GetPersonalityTrait().

Code: Select all

int braveryID = FactionManager.instance.factionDatabase.GetPersonalityTraitID("Bravery");
float bravery = FactionManager.instance.factionDatabase.GetPersonalityTrait("Hero", braveryID);
if (bravery > 50)
    // Choose dangerous option.
    // Choose safe option.
Note: If you set a faction member's Impressionability to a high value, the faction member's faction traits will be influenced by actions. For example, say the hero has a son with high Impressionability. If the hero's son sees the hero do a brave deed, the son's Bravery trait will increase.
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