Getting RFPSP to work in Unity 2019 LTS

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Getting RFPSP to work in Unity 2019 LTS

Post by alsoknownas-stefan »

Hi there,

I am trying to get RFPSP (version 1.45) to work in Unity 2019 LTS. I restored a lot of functionality by using the methods described in ... psSetupOne . However, I am unable to get shooting working.

InputControl.cs contains this snippet of code:

firePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Fire");

In the default Input Manager (Edit > Project Settings > Input Manager), I have set up a control for Fire. See screenshot. I tried changing mouse 0 to a key on my keyboard but that does not work either.

Any ideas?
snip1.PNG (21.46 KiB) Viewed 9491 times
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Tony Li
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Re: Getting RFPSP to work in Unity 2019 LTS

Post by Tony Li »

Try adding a breakpoint or Debug.Log() after that line in InputControl.cs. Example:

Code: Select all

firePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Fire");
if (firePress) Debug.Log("Fire was pressed");
That will let you verify whether the RFPSP is detecting the input.

If that doesn't help, I suggest contacting Azuline Studios for support with RFPSP.

After you get that working, if you run into any issues with the Save System for RFPSP or the Dialogue System's RFPSP integration, just let me know and I'll be happy to help.
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Re: Getting RFPSP to work in Unity 2019 LTS

Post by alsoknownas-stefan »

Hi Tony,

Thank you for the reply. I figured it out. Basically, I was a bit too frantic with commenting out functionalities. If there are other people who want to make use of mouse/keyboard only, set up the inputs like described above and change InputControl.cs to the following:

Code: Select all

//InputControl.cs by Azuline Studios© All Rights Reserved
//Manages button and axis input to be read by the other scripts.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class InputControl : MonoBehaviour {

	private FPSPlayer FPSPlayerComponent;
	//button states that are accessed by the other scripts
	public bool fireHold;
	public bool firePress;
	public bool reloadPress;
	public bool fireModePress;
	public bool jumpHold;
	public bool jumpPress;
	public bool crouchHold;
	public bool proneHold;
	public bool sprintHold;
	public bool zoomHold;
	public bool zoomPress;
	public bool leanLeftHold;
	public bool leanRightHold;
	public bool useHold;
	public bool usePress;
	public bool usePressUp;
	public bool toggleCameraHold;
	public bool toggleCameraDown;
	public bool grenadeHold;
	public bool deadzonePress;
	public bool meleePress;
	public bool flashlightPress;
	public bool holsterPress;
	public bool dropPress;
	public bool bulletTimePress;
	public bool moveHold;
	public bool movePress;
	public bool throwHold;
	public bool helpPress;
	public bool menuPress;
	public bool pausePress;
	public bool selectNextPress;
	public bool selectPrevPress;
	public bool selectGrenPress;
	public bool selectWeap1Press;
	public bool selectWeap2Press;
	public bool selectWeap3Press;
	public bool selectWeap4Press;
	public bool selectWeap5Press;
	public bool selectWeap6Press;
	public bool selectWeap7Press;
	public bool selectWeap8Press;
	public bool selectWeap9Press;
	public bool selectWeap0Press;
	public float mouseWheel;
	public bool leftHold;
	public bool rightHold;
	public bool forwardHold;
	public bool backHold;
	public float moveXButton;
	public float moveYButton;
	//gamepad input axes
	[Tooltip("Minimum input amount to ignore (helps with worn-out joysticks that don't return to center).")] 
	public float deadzone = 0.2f;
	private Vector2 moveInput;
	private Vector2 lookInput;
	//combined button and axis inputs for moving
	public float moveX;
	public float moveY;
	//combined button and axis inputs for looking
	public float lookX;
	public float lookY;
	//Xbox 360 dpad controls (button held)
	public bool xboxDpadLeftHold;
	public bool xboxDpadRightHold;
	public bool xboxDpadUpHold;
	public bool xboxDpadDownHold;
	//Xbox 360 dpad controls (button press)
	public bool xboxDpadLeftPress;
	public bool xboxDpadRightPress;
	public bool xboxDpadUpPress;
	public bool xboxDpadDownPress;
	private bool xbdpLstate;
	private bool xbdpRstate;
	private bool xbdpUstate;
	private bool xbdpDstate;

	void Start () {
		FPSPlayerComponent = GetComponent<FPSPlayer>();
	void Update () {

		if(FPSPlayerComponent && !FPSPlayerComponent.restarting){
			//player movement buttons
			leftHold = Input.GetButton("Left");
			rightHold = Input.GetButton("Right");
			forwardHold = Input.GetButton("Forward");
			backHold = Input.GetButton("Back");
			//cancel player movement if opposite buttons are held at the same time
			if(leftHold && !rightHold){
				moveXButton = -1.0f;
			}else if(rightHold && !leftHold){
				moveXButton = 1.0f;	
				moveXButton = 0.0f;	
			if(forwardHold && !backHold){
				moveYButton = 1.0f;
			}else if(backHold && !forwardHold){
				moveYButton = -1.0f;	
				moveYButton = 0.0f;	
			//scaled radial deadzone for joysticks for smooth player movement ramp from deadzone
			moveInput = new Vector2(Input.GetAxis("Joystick Move X"), Input.GetAxis("Joystick Move Y"));
			if(moveInput.magnitude < deadzone){
				moveInput =;
				moveInput = moveInput.normalized * ((moveInput.magnitude - deadzone) / (1 - deadzone));
			lookInput = new Vector2(AccelerateInput(Input.GetAxis("Joystick Look X")), AccelerateInput(Input.GetAxis("Joystick Look Y")));
			if(lookInput.magnitude < deadzone){
				lookInput =;
				lookInput = lookInput.normalized * ((lookInput.magnitude - deadzone) / (1 - deadzone));
			//combine button and axis input for player movement
			moveX = Mathf.Clamp(moveXButton + moveInput.x, -1.0f, 1.0f);
			moveY = Mathf.Clamp(moveYButton + moveInput.y, -1.0f, 1.0f);
			//combine mouse and axis input for player looking (accelerate axis input)
			lookX = Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse X") + /*AccelerateInput(*/lookInput.x;
			lookY = Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse Y") + /*AccelerateInput(*/lookInput.y;
			//manage zoom and fire inputs and determine if xbox 360 triggers have been pressed or held
				fireHold = true;
				fireHold = false;	
				zoomHold = true;
				zoomHold = false;	
			//determine if the Xbox 360 dpad buttons have been pressed or held
			if(Input.GetAxis("Xbox Dpad X") > 0.0f){
				xboxDpadRightHold = true;
				xboxDpadLeftHold = false;
				xbdpLstate = false;
					xboxDpadRightPress = true;
					xbdpRstate = true;
					xboxDpadRightPress = false;
			}else if(Input.GetAxis("Xbox Dpad X") < 0.0f){
				xboxDpadRightHold = false;
				xboxDpadLeftHold = true;
				xbdpRstate = false;
					xboxDpadLeftPress = true;
					xbdpLstate = true;
					xboxDpadLeftPress = false;
				xboxDpadRightHold = false;
				xboxDpadLeftHold = false;
				xboxDpadRightPress = false;
				xboxDpadLeftPress = false;
				xbdpLstate = false;
				xbdpRstate = false;
			if(Input.GetAxis("Xbox Dpad Y") > 0.0f){
				xboxDpadUpHold = true;
				xboxDpadDownHold = false;
				xbdpDstate = false;
					xboxDpadUpPress = true;
					xbdpUstate = true;
					xboxDpadUpPress = false;
			}else if(Input.GetAxis("Xbox Dpad Y") < 0.0f){
				xboxDpadUpHold = false;
				xboxDpadDownHold = true;
				xbdpUstate = false;
					xboxDpadDownPress = true;
					xbdpDstate = true;
					xboxDpadDownPress = false;
				xboxDpadUpHold = false;
				xboxDpadDownHold = false;
				xboxDpadUpPress = false;
				xboxDpadDownPress = false;
				xbdpUstate = false;
				xbdpDstate = false;
			//read button input and set the button state vars for use by the other scripts
			mouseWheel = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Scroll Wheel");
			firePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Fire");
			zoomPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Zoom");
			reloadPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Reload");
			fireModePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Fire Mode");
			jumpHold = Input.GetButton("Jump");
			jumpPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Jump");
			crouchHold = Input.GetButton("Crouch");
			proneHold = Input.GetButton("Prone");
			sprintHold = Input.GetButton("Sprint");
			leanLeftHold = Input.GetButton("Lean Left");
			leanRightHold = Input.GetButton("Lean Right");
			useHold = Input.GetButton("Use");
			usePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Use");
			usePressUp = Input.GetButtonUp("Use");
			toggleCameraHold = Input.GetButton("Toggle Camera");
			toggleCameraDown = Input.GetButtonDown("Toggle Camera");
			grenadeHold = Input.GetButton("Throw Grenade");
			meleePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Melee Attack");
			flashlightPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Toggle Flashlight");
			holsterPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Holster Weapon");
			dropPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Drop Weapon");
			bulletTimePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Bullet Time");
			deadzonePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Toggle Deadzone Aiming");
			helpPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Help");
			menuPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Main Menu");
			pausePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Pause");
			selectNextPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Next Weapon");
			selectPrevPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Previous Weapon");
			selectGrenPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Next Grenade");
			selectWeap1Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 1");
			selectWeap2Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 2");
			selectWeap3Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 3");
			selectWeap4Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 4");
			selectWeap5Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 5");
			selectWeap6Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 6");
			selectWeap7Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 7");
			selectWeap8Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 8");
			selectWeap9Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 9");
			selectWeap0Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 0");

			fireHold = false;//stop shooting if level is restarting
	//accelerate axis input for easier control and reduction of axis drift (deadzone improvement)
	float AccelerateInput(float input){
		float inputAccel;
		inputAccel = ((1.0f/8.0f) * input * (Mathf.Abs(input)*8.0f)) * Time.smoothDeltaTime * 60.0f;
		return inputAccel;
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Tony Li
Posts: 20859
Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:27 pm

Re: Getting RFPSP to work in Unity 2019 LTS

Post by Tony Li »

Thanks for sharing your solution!
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