UniStorm Support

This page describes how to set up the Dialogue System with Black Horizon Studios' UniStorm. (UniStorm is required.)

UniStorm copyright © Black Horizon Studios.

UniStorm Setup

Follow these steps to set up the Dialogue System with UniStorm.

  • Import the package Third Party Support ► UniStorm Support. This will unpack files into the folder Assets ► Pixel Crushers ► Dialogue System ► Third Party Support ► UniStorm Support.
  • Add a UniStorm Lua Bridge component to your Dialogue Manager.
    • To include UniStorm's time and weather in persistent data (such as saved games), tick the Save UniStorm State checkbox.

Example Scene

The Example folder contains an example scene. If you talk to Private Hart, he will make comments about the time and weather.

Lua Functions

The UniStorm Lua Bridge component adds the following Lua functions, which return numbers corresponding to the values documented on the UniStorm Wiki's Code References page: http://unistorm-weather-system.wikia.com/wiki/Code_References

The most common use for these functions is in the Conditions of dialogue entries and triggers.

Lua Function Description
GetMinuteCounter() Returns the current minutes.
GetHourCounter() Returns the current hour.
GetDayCounter() Returns the current day.
GetMonthCounter() Returns the current month.
GetYearCounter() Returns the current year.
GetWeatherForecaster() Returns the current weather conditions value as defined in the table on the UniStorm Wiki.
GetTemperature() Returns the current temperature.

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