Platformer Pro Support

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This page describes how to set up the Dialogue System with Platformer Pro by JAN Mobile.

Platformer Pro copyright © JNA Mobile.


To configure your Platformer Pro player character to pause during conversations, add a Dialogue System Events component. In the Conversation section, add a slot to the On Conversation Start and On Conversation End events. Assign the Character component to both events and select the InputEnabled property. In the On Conversation Start event, untick the checkbox. In the On Conversation End event, tick the checkbox.

If you also want to set an idle animation, create a script named ControlAnimation.cs containing this:

using UnityEngine;
using PlatformerPro;
public class ControlAnimation : MonoBehaviour {
private SpecialMovement_PlayAnimation specialMovement;
private void Awake() {
specialMovement = GetComponentInChildren<SpecialMovement_PlayAnimation>();
if (specialMovement == null) {
Debug.LogError("No SpecialMovement_PlayAnimation found on " + name, this);
public void PlayIdleAnimation() {
if (specialMovement != null) specialMovement.Play(AnimationState.IDLE);

Add this script to your character. In the Dialogue System Events component, add another slot to On Conversation Start. Assign ControlAnimation.PlayIdleAnimation.

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