Now We're Talking

This page describes how to set up the Dialogue System with Chatterware's Now We're Talking. (Now We're Talking is required.)

Now We're Talking copyright © Chatterware.

Now We're Talking Video Tutorial

(Click Here For Video Tutorial)

Now We're Talking Setup

  1. Import the package Third Party Support ► NWT Support. This will unpack files into the folder Pixel Crushers ► Dialogue System ► Third Party Support ► NWT Support.
  2. Play the example scene in the Example subfolder to familiarize yourself with the integration.
  3. Set up your character according to Chatterware's (Quick Start Tutorial) – you don't need to set up NPC_Phases yet.
  4. Write your conversation, and export a voiceover script. Note the entrytag values in the voiceover script.
  5. In your character's NowWereTalking prefab, create phases that correspond to the entrytags, and assign audio clips.
  6. Use the NWT(entrytag) sequencer command to play the phases.

Babble Speak

You can make a typewriter effect play babble/mumble speak by assigning audio clips to its Audio Clip and Alternate Audio Clips fields. To make Now We're Talking animate the mouth according to those audio clips, add an NWT Actor component to the character.

NWT() Sequencer Command


NWT( phase, [subject], [nowait] )

This sequencer command plays a phase by name on a Now We're Talking subject.

For the subject, you can specify speaker, listener, or the name of a GameObject or actor registered with a Dialogue Actor component. If you omit subject, it will use the current speaker.

By default, the NWT() sequencer command waits until the phase is done. (It does this by checking the duration of the first audio clip in the phase.) If you specify nowait as the third parameter, it will not wait.

Dynamically Loading Audio

If the Now We're Talking subject doesn't have a phase with the specified name, this command will attempt to load an audio clip with that name from Resources, asset bundles, or Addressables.

This is useful in combination with Entrytags. Just name your audio clips according to their entrytags, put them in a Resources folder or mark them Addressable, and use the sequencer command: NWT(entrytag).

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