How to export all text tables at once automatically?

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Re: How to export all text tables at once automatically?

Post by ds2497 »

Hi Tony,

Thank you so much for your assistance!

The patch you provided is indeed very helpful. However, it doesn't fully resolve one of the main issues I'm facing, which is duplicated field names. For example, when I have a quest named "Save Village" with a field labeled "Quest Title" in the text table, and another quest named "Collect Flower" also with a "Quest Title" field, conflicts arise with the IDs. Nevertheless, the patch offers clear code, and with a bit of work, I've managed to solve the problem!

Thanks again for your invaluable help... you're the best!
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Tony Li
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Re: How to export all text tables at once automatically?

Post by Tony Li »


How did you solve it?

I could add an option to prepend the quest ID to field names. This way the field names would be "Save Village.Quest Title" and "Collect Flower.QuestTitle".
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Re: How to export all text tables at once automatically?

Post by ds2497 »

I created a custom editor window to handle the export and import of Excel files. Another reason behind this decision was the realization that dragging a text table can be quite time-consuming... the current editor window only allows dragging one text table at a time. My custom editor (built with Odin) incorporates your code with a small tweak to the foreach and directory components, and adds some code that creates SO objects, resolving both issues. :D

Here are some screenshot with test data:


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Tony Li
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Re: How to export all text tables at once automatically?

Post by Tony Li »


In the original window, I'll still add an option to prepend the quest ID to fields. I'll also add a button to add all text tables that are in a specified folder.
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Re: How to export all text tables at once automatically?

Post by ds2497 »

Glad to know! Looking forward to the updates!
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