
Component > Dialogue System > Actor > Usable

Specifies that the GameObject is usable – that is, the player can target it and send "OnUse" messages.


Property Function
Override Name The actor's name
Override Use Message Overrides the generic "Use" message displayed by the player's selector
Max Use Distance The maximum distance from which the GameObject may be used


This component marks a GameObject "usable," which allows the player to target it with a Selector or Proximity Selector and send an "OnUse" message.

When the player targets the GameObject, the player's selector will display Override Use Message. If this property is blank, the selector will display a generic message.

By default, actions involving the dialogue database, such as conversations, use the name of the actor's GameObject as the actor's name. This name is used in portrait labels and is the value assigned to Variable["Actor"] or Variable["Conversant"]. You can specify a different name by adding this component or by adding an Override Actor Name component. The order of precedence is:

  1. Override Actor Name component. If blank, then:
  2. Override Name on this component. If blank, then:
  3. Name of the GameObject

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