Quest Trigger

Component > Dialogue System > Trigger > Quest

Quest Trigger updates a quest state when the specified trigger occurs.


Property Function
Trigger The trigger event that causes the trigger to fire
Reference Database Dialogue database containing quest names to use for dropdown menu
Quest Name The quest to update
Set Quest State Tick if the trigger should change the quest state
Quest State The new quest state
Set Quest Entry State Tick if the trigger should change a quest entry (subtask) state
Quest Entry Number (Not shown since Set Quest Entry State is unticked by default) Quest entry to change
Quest Entry State (Not shown since Set Quest Entry State is unticked by default) The new quest entry state
Lua Code The Lua code to run (blank for none) when this trigger fires
Alert Message If assigned, the alert message to display when this trigger fires
Localized Text Table Localized versions of the Alert Message
Send Messages Target GameObjects and messages to send to them (e.g., send "OnUse" to a GameObject with a Sequence Trigger) (not shown in screenshot above)
Only Once Set the quest state once and then destroy this component
Condition The Trigger Conditions required for the trigger to fire


This component sets a quest state when a trigger condition occurs.

The Only Once checkbox only works during the current scene. If you want this functionality to persist between level changes or saved games, use a Lua condition instead. In the conversation's START entry, set a Lua variable true. Then add a Lua condition to this trigger that requires that the variable is false. You can also check the current state of the quest and only trigger if it's a different state by setting the Trigger Conditions.

If you have assign Localized Text Table, the Quest Trigger will use the Alert Message as the lookup field for localized text.

This component updates the quest tracker if you've configured one.

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