Persistent Active Data

Component > Dialogue System > Save System > Persistent Active Data

Persistent Active Data sets a GameObject active or inactive based on a set of conditions.


Property Function
Target The GameObject to set
Condition The conditions to check; if true, the GameObject is activated; otherwise it's deactivated
Check On Start (Not shown in screenshot above) When the component starts, check the Condition and set the Target accordingly


This component doesn't save anything into the Lua environment. Instead, it works entirely on a specified set of conditions. The conditions, however, can examine the Lua environment. A typical use case is to define a variable such as "Enabled Force Field" and set it to true or false, for example during a "conversation" with a computer terminal. The When loading a saved game, the Persistent Active Data component can then check this variable to know whether to activate or deactivate a target force field GameObject.

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