Dialogue Markup Tags

Chat Mapper Tags

You can use the following Chat Mapper tags in your dialogue text:

Tag Description
[f] (Force) Display of the response menu even if this is the only response, and even if the Dialogue Manager's Always Force Response Menu checkbox is unticked
[a] (Action) Display the response menu text in italics
[em#]...[/em#] (Emphasis) Apply an emphasis setting to the text. The Dialogue System currently only observes one emphasis per dialogue entry and applies it to the whole entry unless you tick the Dialogue Manager's Use Rich Text checkbox and use a rich text-enabled GUI system such as Unity UI or Unity GUI. Set emphasis appearances on the Database tab of the Dialogue Editor window
[var=varName] (Variable) Replace the tag with the value of a variable. If your variable name has blank spaces or hyphens, you must replace them with underscores. For example, if your variable is named My Job-Title, use "I need a doctor, not a [var=My_Job_Title]!"
[var=?varName] (Variable Input) Prompt the player for input, and store it the variable named by varName. Internally, this runs the TextInput() sequencer command as TextInput(Text Field UI,varName,varName). Note that the text field UI must be named Text Field UI and the variable name is also used for the label.
[pic=#] Override the actor's default portrait image. The number is an index into the actor's list of portrait images
[pica=#] Override the actor's default portrait image using an image in the primary actor's list
[picc=#] Override the actor's default portrait image using an image in the primary conversant's list

Non-Chat Mapper Tags

The Dialogue System defines some new tags that are not present in Chat Mapper. If you use Chat Mapper, you can add them to Chat Mapper text, but Chat Mapper won't do any special processing on them. The Dialogue System, however, will process them as described:

Tag Description
[position #] Use a specific response button position. If the entry is shown in a response menu, it will always be in the specified position. For example, say "evil" options are always in position 6. Use this tag: "[position 6]I hate puppies." Position number is zero-based (starting with [position 0]) so it aligns with the dialogue UI's Buttons list
[lua( code )] Replace the tag with the return value of some Lua code. For example, to greet the player: "Hello, [lua(Variable['Actor'])], nice to see you.". See Lua
[auto] (Auto-response) Forces this response to be automatically selected, bypassing the response menu. This tag takes precedence over [f] or the Dialogue Manager's Always Force Response Menu checkbox

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